Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The 2013 Tri Season Is Here!

Been a while since I last posted but in all honesty, I find writing about the same old runs and rides about as boring as you probably find reading about it.  But this week starts the 2013 triathlon season with the kickoff of the Shelbyville Sprint Tri Series. Before I talk about that, time for a little recap since the last time I posted.

I finished up P90X.  I wasn't nearly as strict on the diet as the plan suggests but my goal was to keep the weight off over the off-season and perhaps build a little muscle in the process.  I went back to last year at this time and from the time the season ended in October until the first of the year, I had put on about 10-12 pounds.  I wanted to avoid that this year.  P90 along with keeping up my run streak seems to have done the job.  I don't weigh myself often, but instead judge my fitness on how my clothes fit and such and I'm still at the same hole in my belt, buying the same size shirts, etc. so I'd call it a success.  I also have a lot more definition in my upper body so that's also a bonus.

I did a New Year's Day 10 mile "Hangover Classic" and finished in about 1:32.  I was looking at some old blog posts and in 2011, I did the Papa John's 10 miler in a then PR of 1:49.  I'm quite pleased at knocking off 17 minutes in just under 2 years and wonder if I might be able to break 90 minutes at this year's PJ's?  You can see in the right margin the events I have coming up but the Shelbyville Sprint Series aren't currently listed on Daily Mile.  If you add those four sprint tris, that makes for a pretty busy winter/spring.

The run streak continues with today being day 241 in a row of running at least 1 mile a day.  I know some of my training buddies will yell at me over not taking a rest day but it has really helped my speed.

The tri this weekend is in reverse order as it's obviously too cold to be swimming then going out for a bike ride with wet hair and cycling clothes.  The distances are a 3K run, 6 mile bike, and a 400 yard swim.  Obviously very short but a good chance to get back into the swing of things.  To prepare, my training buddy Ken and I went out on a short brick ride/run in some frigid temperatures.  Good prep for Sunday but my hands were killing me. I will need to make sure to have proper gloves for Sunday.

Finally, some kudos for my wife, Jessica, who is still killing it with a massive weight loss since August 1st and who has signed up for both the Triple Crown of Running and the Derby Festival Half-Marathon.  In fact, she ran outside yesterday evening in frigid temperatures for the first time in a very long time.  Now that's dedication.

I'll be back Sunday with a short update on the first tri.

Until then....a quote from Steve Prefontaine.

"The only good race pace is suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die."

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