Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just What I needed

My pal Ken sent me a link to an inspirational Ironman book:

I love to read so picked it up. I'm about 90 pages in and it's just the thing I needed to get back into it. The people in this book are just like me. Most dove headfirst into Ironman without a plan and figured it out as they went.

Partially inspired by this book, I have made a decision for 2012: I want to involve a charity element. My pal Kevin has been associated with The Blazeman Foundation for ALS research and since my Great Aunt was also taken by this horrible disease, I can think of no better charity.

Where to start? I'm not entirely certain but that sounds eerily familiar doesn't it? It rather reminds me of August 31, 2010 when I signed up for IMKY and figured it out as I went.

I have run, swam and biked some since my last update and I intend to stick with a regular regime, just in less volume for now.

25 hilly bike miles scheduled for tomorrow and then may try my hand at some real yoga on Monday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Blazeman would love to have you. Let me know if you need details.
